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Kempa & Company CPAs LLP

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This page offers you significant information about Kempa & Company CPAs LLP based in Locust Valley, including its location, the contact details, email address, and website link. The business has received a superior 5 rating. The operating times are indicated, but it's wise to double-check the details on the website.

  •   Company Name: 
    Kempa & Company CPAs LLP
    New York
    Nassau County
    Locust Valley
    146 Birch Hill Rd
    Accountants,Certified Public Accountants
  •   Contact Name: 
    Glenn Kempa
    (800) 477-5857
  •   Office Hours: 
      Sunday: Closed
      Monday: 09:00 am - 09:00 pm
      Tuesday: 09:00 am - 09:00 pm
      Wednesday: 09:00 am - 09:00 pm
      Thursday: 09:00 am - 09:00 pm
      Friday: 09:00 am - 09:00 pm
      Saturday: 09:00 am - 01:00 pm
  • 146 Birch Hill Rd, Locust Valley, NY 11560

The direct contact for Glenn Kempa, at Kempa & Company CPAs LLP for inquiries about Kempa & Company CPAs LLP can be found through the phone numbers listed or by accessing the information on Kempa & Company CPAs LLP's website. Only a limited number of clients have rated Kempa & Company CPAs LLP. You can use "My Route" to easily get driving directions to Kempa & Company CPAs LLP at 146 Birch Hill Rd in Locust Valley.

Kempa & Company CPAs LLP is available for direct inquiries and Glenn Kempa, , will be happy to assist.

If you are located outside Nassau County and need more information about Kempa & Company CPAs LLP, call (800) 477-5857. Glenn Kempa, of Kempa & Company CPAs LLP, or another representative will be available to assist you. Kempa & Company CPAs LLP is one of the best-rated businesses in Nassau County, New York, ranking in the top 10%, and among the top 20% in the country. Kempa & Company CPAs LLP stands out with a 5 score that surpasses others in its field.

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